Dog Training Resources
Dog Star Daily: Check out this site full of wonderful and reputable articles and videos to help you with your dog. Dr. Ian Dunbar’s specialty is helping you raise your puppy the right way to avoid behavioral problems down the road. Dr. Ian Dunbar is a widely known and well respected dog trainer who has influenced the dog training world greatly. This is another website chock-full of valuable and FREE dog training information. It is from the Animal Planet’s T.V. personality and talented trainer Victoria Stilwell. It provides you up-to-date, science-based information on why positive training methods are the most effective ones out there, as well as being the best choice for your and your dog’s well being.
Pet Care Resources
Best Food for a Safe and Healthy Dog: This article has a complete run down about what to look for in your dog’s food as well as a list of 121 dog foods they recommend based on strict criteria. Great read!
The Ultimate Guide to Shopping Green for Your Pet: This guide covers so much, from finding “green” and healthy pet food to toys, food bowls, costumes, and poop bags that are environmentally friendly as well.
Physical Therapy for Pets: Physical therapy can be very beneficial for our pets too! Check out this quick article for more information and links to some great resources. A big thank you to Sara for finding this resource and sharing it!
Help With Pet Veterinary Costs: This site offers links to other organizations who may be able to help you if you need financial assistance with veterinary costs for your dog or cat.
How Does Smoking Affect Your Pets?: Need more motivation to quit smoking? Then consider the side effects it has on your furry family members. This is a good and concise article about the health affects of smoking on our pets.
Home Safety Guide for Pet Owners: This is a comprehensive, yet concise, guide to keeping your pet safe– whether around foods, the home or during a natural disaster you will find the answer here.
Disaster Preparedness for Pets: This article has a thorough description about how you can prepare for and deal with a natural disaster with your pet’s safety in mind.
Guide to Pet-Safe House Plants: Ever wanted to know if the plants you have in your house are safe for all your pets? Check out the resources in this article. Though some of the links in the article do not work, the ones that do are very informative and helpful. A special thank you to Annalee for sharing this resource!
Household Toxins That Make Your Dog Sick: This guide goes into more depth about which household items can make your dog sick so you can keep your dog safe.
Service/Assistance Dogs:
Assistance Dog Resources: Links to a variety of service dog or assistance dog programs both nationally and internationally.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: Guide and Service Dogs: A resource for veterans explaining the purpose of guide dogs and services dogs, as well as a brief description of the process of getting a service dog.
Is a Dog Right for You?
Seniors and Pets: Is getting a pet right for you as you get older? This is a wonderful article that examines the pros and cons to owning a pet as you age. Check this article out to get a better idea of the options available for seniors and pets.